Tournament Terminology

Aiuchi: Simultaneous points by both opponents

Aka : Red

Atoshi baraku : 30 seconds to go

Atenai Yoni: Warning without penalty

Attate Iru : Contact

Chui: Warning

Encho-sen : Extension of bout

Fujubun : Not enough power

Fukushin : Referee's mirror in a bout; the judge

Fukushin Shugo : Judges conference

Hansoku : Foul

Hansoku chui: Warning with an ippon penalty

Hantei: Judgement

Hikiwake : Draw

Ippon : One point

Jogai: Exit from fighting area

Jo sokutei: Raised sole (also "double entry")

Kachi: Victorious winner

Kansa : The timekeeper in a bout; the arbitrator

Keikoku : Warning with waza ari penalty

Kiken : Renunciation

Ma-ai ga toh : Improper distancing

Moto no ichi: Return to your starting position

Mubobi: Warning for lack of regard for one's own safety

No Jikan : Time

Nukete Iru : Out of target

Shiai: Match

Shikaku : Disqualification and dismissal

Shushin : Referee

Shiro : White

Shobu ippon : One point match

Shobu nihon : Two point match

Shobu sanbon : Three point match

Sore made : End of match

Suki: Opening

Taiming go osoi: Not proper timing

Torimasen : No point

Tsuzukete : Resume; Carry on (phonetically "Soo-zoo-keh-tay")

Ukete Iru : Blocked

Waza ari: Half-point

Yowai: Weak focus