
At november 5,2010  some of the Canadian goju ryu instructors had great opportunity to practise traditional  goju ryu karate from Okinawan instructors visiting Canada. This group of masters are   top students of  Sensei Minei (Jundokan).


Seminar was held in very friendly and relaxed atmosphere .Masters covered all basic okinanawan goju ryu techniques and kata’s. Everybody who did take part in training session got great chance to clear some mistakes and got answers on their questions .

Thanks to seminar organizers for bringing masters to Canada and giving everybody chance to enjoy traditional karate class.

Sensei R.Saltikov

Our team is back from Portugal! Last week(September 29-October 3) our club competitors, as part of Canada’s Goju-ryu karate team ,took part in the first World Goju-ryu karate championship in Portugal, Cascais. This was great event with high calibre competitors from around the World. The organizing committee did great job on establishing a friendly atmosphere for the athletes and delegates. Officiating was on a fair level. Right from first fight we saw the difference between judging in Europe and North America. The scoring criteria was much more strict, however our juniors did a great job ! They showed a big heart in their fights and got 5 medals! This is a great result ! On the way to podium , they had to face the top juniors from Europe(some of them were medalists of  the WKF European Championships and top World level juniors)


1.Vadim Semenikhine-silver 14-15yo -70 kg

2.Denis Adigamov-silver 16-17yo-68 kg

3.Michelle Pokrass-bronze 14-15yo-54 kg

4.Samantha Krystantos-bronze 14-15yo +54

5.Team fight cadets( girls 14-15)-gold


Adult competitions were very packed with world level competitors. All of the adult divisions had around 30 competitors to face. The majority of them were at the last stage of preparation for  the WKF World senior championship In Belgrade,Serbia. Despite this ,our adult competitors won a few great matches and lost only in the bronze medal bouts(Kirill Bazhenov, Gena Sereda). This event showed that our club athletes are physically and technically ready to compete at the highest level(adjustments and improvements should be focused in tactical games) . There is a large number of high level karate competitions in Europe and this is the reason why Europeans dominate at the world stage. The experience gained at this event will help our athletes perform better at the Canadian Nationals and also at international stage if they make the team.

Congratulations to all the Team members with their great performance  and keep working hard to achieve those high set goals!   

Sensei  R.Saltikov



Congratulations to all our club members! This was one of the best to this moment performances! Hard work summer time paid off. On base of this tournament results some club members already made Ontario Provincial Team:

  1. Michelle Pokrass -14-15 - 54kg
  2. Anissa Laribi -14-15 +54kg
  3. Samantha Kristantos - 16-17 - 59 kg
  4. Mike Founk - 14-15- 52kg
  5. Vadim Semenikhine - 14-15  -70kg
  6. Mike Konnov - 14-15- +70kg
  7. Daniel Gaysinsky -16-17 -61kg
  8. Denis Adigamov - adults - 67kg
  9. Yuri Kaspin - adults - 75kg
  10. Kirill Bazhenov  -84kg

Based on performance at last grand prix-December 6,2010 more RS KARATE clubs members have chances to be in the Ontario Provincial Team:

Regina Lvov, Tal Bratkov, Alex Kouznetsov, Anton Van, Andrey Holly, Artyom Radzichovski, Gena Sereda...and couple more if "stars aligned properly".

Results chart with elite and recreational divisions available at Karate Ontario website.

Congratulations one more time for great performance and good luck in Portugal next weekend at 1st World Goju Ryu Karate Championship!

Sensei R. Saltikov

Antonio Oliva Seba seminar.

September(10-12),2010 at Sheraton Centre (Toronto) Karate Canada held Karate Summit. At this event Canadian coaches had great opportunity to learn from leading karate coaching specialist ( World Karate Federation) Antonio Oliva Seba (Spain). This was great, eye opening, seminar for many officials and coaches attending .Seminar showed some differences between Pan American and European officials in criteria for scoring some techniques. This was one of the main concerns in preparation of Canadian Athletes for World level competitions. Sensei Oliva gave many great tips and strategies for coaches working with national and international athletes. His system proved be working for many world level competitors from dozens of countries. Thanks to Karate Canada giving its members this great opportunity to learn from best ! I hope in future, we will have more such opportunities here in Canada.


Sensei R.Saltikov




Roman Saltikov awarded Coach of the Year 2010.


The Ontario Karate Federation is focused on improving the promotion and accessibility of the sport of karate to its members and to the general public.


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